In the scriptures

In the scripturesIn the scriptures
  1. The whole system was based on divine revelation in the Scriptures .


  2. You won 't find this moral precept in the scriptures .


  3. Do not believe just because it is in the scriptures .


  4. In the Scriptures there were only two men of whom this was spoken ? Samuel and jesus .


  5. Did you lose Christ by neglecting the Scriptures ? You must find Christ in the Scriptures .


  6. In the Scriptures , Jesus'disciple Andrew is known mainly for being Simon Peter 's brother and for introducing Simon to Jesus .


  7. The ministration of holy angels , as presented in the Scriptures , is a truth most comforting and precious to every follower of Christ .


  8. You will find attached both our Confessional Statement and our Theological Vision for Ministry & a vision rooted in the Scriptures and centered on the gospel .


  9. In the scriptures it says that no matter what you see or do , may you make your mind equanimous to all of it , without like or dislike-that 's what the scriptures say .


  10. Tsang teacher in the scriptures : game on the road to face Santa Claus , they actually fought with each other , Khan ah , our journey to the west or to help the bar , the danger is even a country .


  11. Narrative : In the Jewish scriptures , Jacob was the youngest son of Isaac and Rebecca .


  12. And beginning at Moses and all the prophets , he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself .


  13. This includes : Silla Buddhism , Silla culture and Silla monk in the Tang scriptures career , Buddhist practice .


  14. Rom.1:2 Which He promised beforehand through His prophets in the holy Scriptures .


  15. This era has been foretold in the worlds scriptures since ancient times , but alas , it is now before us ; we are immersed in it !


  16. This process of development is clearly a kin to a soul 's progress on the road to salvation according to the divine plan and doctrines of salvation recorded in the Christian Scriptures .


  17. Like all village girls she was well grounded in the Holy Scriptures , and had dutifully studied the histories of Aholah and Aholibah , and knew the inferences to be drawn therefrom .


  18. In the Hebrew scriptures , a year of rest to be observed by the Israelites every50th year , during which slaves were to be set free , alienated property restored to the former owners , and the lands left untilled .


  19. We believe that God alone is the Lord of our conscience , and that believers are free from the commands of men which are contrary to , or in addition to the Scriptures in matters of faith and conduct .


  20. The material of noon shadow preserved in the three different Buddhist Scriptures is analyzed and discussed .


  21. We need not turn every sermon into a covenant theology lecture in order to interpret the Scriptures covenantally .


  22. The word for judges in this portion of the scriptures is " shaphat "( proper word for judges ) in Hebrew .


  23. These are words , they are in the books , in the scriptures , handed down by teachers .


  24. Of course , even the Chinese educational system acknowledges that there 's so much wealth in literary devices that 's found in the scriptures .


  25. The localization of Buddhism in China and the strategies used in the translation of Buddhist scriptures


  26. The term " holy " is often understood in its contemporary usage rather than its true meaning in the Scriptures .


  27. In recent years , the researchers engaged in the language of Buddhist scriptures pay great attention to the relationship of Chinese literature and Chinese sutra .
